New Board Member: Karyn Kawula

Jun 13, 2024

The board of directors of the Schizophrenia Society of Saskatchewan is pleased to welcome Karyn Kawula to the SSS 2024-2025 board.

Karyn is a registered psychiatric nurse (RPN) with over 35 years of experience in a variety of clinical and administrative positions within the field of mental health and addictions primarily in Saskatoon. She is currently teaching at Saskatchewan Polytechnic, as a nursing instructor in the: Psychiatric Nursing Program. Karyn has also been a long time volunteer and supporter with the Saskatoon Partnership Program.

Through her personal and professional journey within the field of mental health and addictions, she has developed a special interest in the exemplary work of the Schizophrenia Society of Saskatchewan and is looking forward to being involved as a board member.


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