Our Meet the Resident Psychiatrist program offers a unique opportunity to speak with a psychiatry student in their final years of study. You can ask questions like, What can a psychiatrist do? What can I do as a family member? and much more.

Our Resident Psychiatrist for the Fall is Dr. Srikanthan

Dr. Srikanthan is available for inperson or telephone appointments on select Monday mornings including Sept 23rd and October 7th, 21st, 28th and Nov 4th, 25th.

*The Resident Psychiatrist does not prescribe medication*

Contact us for more information or to book your appointment.

Phone: (306) 584-2620  Email: info@schizophrenia.sk.ca

Speech Bubbles

Questions to ask a Psychiatrist

Seeing a psychiatrist for the first time can sometimes leave us at a loss for words. Here are just a few questions you may want to ask your psychiatrist or even our resident psychiatrist

  1. How should we contact you?
  2. How will maintaining regular contact with you affect the progress of our family members?
  3. What should we do if we notice problems such as relapse or side effects?
  4. What is the diagnosis or What is the prognosis?
  5. If you are unable to diagnose, why?
  6. What are the symptoms of this particular illness?
  7. What symptoms indicate a relapse?
  8. What medication is being prescribed? Why? What are the possible side effects?
  9. What other treatments are you recommending in addition to the medication? Will you help us access those treatments?
  10. How frequently will you and/or the case manager see our family members?
  11. How frequently will you and/or the case manager see the family?
  12. What is your view of family involvement in treatment?
  13. What do you recommend in terms of coping with the following problems? (Make a list.)